Please check out our class offerings and sign-up today!
Kinder-3rd Grade Math Tutoring (Project Rally!)
GRADE: K-3rd
FORMAT: Online and in-Person
OVERVIEW: 1-on-1 Math Tutoring and Tennis Lessons
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Project Rally students receive math tutoring and tennis instruction 3-4 times per week at the Rich May Field near the EPATT tennis courts. Transportation is provided.
SCHEDULE: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 3:30-5pm, Wednesday: 2-3:45pm
Middle School After School Program
Start Date: September 3rd
Who is this class for: rising 6th - 8th graders
Schedule: Mon-Thurs 3:30pm-5pm
Location: Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School
Instructor: Carmen Chavez
Class Description: Students receive tutoring twice a week to improve academic performance in English, Language Arts, and Math.
Jr.Tennis & Tournament Team
Learn the fundamentals, Learn to play Red ball and Orange ball Matches!
Class Format: In-person
Start Date: 9/11/23
Who is this class for: K-12th grade
Schedule: Tues/Thurs 3:50-5:15pm
Location: Cesar Chavez-Ravenswood Middle School Tennis Courts